My favorite work of art was The Lion and The Snake also known as the Lion and the Tuileries. It was created between 1832 and 1835 by Jean Honoré Gonan (1780-1850) and sons. The massive sculpture stands just by the exit of the High and emits power and strength. The lion is stands as if making a statement that I am king and I am powerful. The snake on the other hand is in submission, drained by his defeat.
I was shock at how detailed the Tericada worriers were. I cannot imagine how much time and work went into creating these elaborate works of art. The life-size figures stand true to the culture of the Gin Dynasty and China. They are true replicas of the people of that time with immense definition of facial feature and body structure. The construction of the animal appeared to be flawless although the figures have been distorted by time and the element of nature. The people who created these sculptures were true artist whose work complemented their skills.
The piece that I found that was sad is Christ carrying the Cross 1526. Lorenzo Lotto an Italian artist did this piece. This was sad for me because it represent a time in history that someone important to my spirituality died.
The piece that I was historic was the piece named The Death of Cleopatra. Francios Barois was the artist responsible for this work of art. Cleopatra was an influential woman in history and this piecein some way gave tribute to her. Cleopatra finding her position hopeless in the situation she was in poisoned herself. In her effort to find the perfect way to commit suicide she first kills some of her savants to see what means was better. This work of art was a good replication of this event.
The work of art that I would not take home with me is the Cast and Chased Silver work in repousé. Jean Baptist Jules Klagman created this work of art. I think this is a good piece but it was a bit overdone. There was too much going on with the design of the piece.