I decided to do my diorama on children in poverty because I feel very strongly about this issue. We fail to realize how the lives children live now have an impact on the future. Many children do not get to live the lives they deserve due to poverty. Childhood should be about fun, learning and growing but this is not the case for most of the children around the world. They spend most of their lives trying to survive some having no success.
The dark sky represents the darkness in the lives of these children and the trees represent life that was once there. The graves represent the death of children because of poverty. There are seven grave in the diorama which represents the continents. North America, South America and Antarctica are to the left and Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia are to the right. I included the continents to show that child poverty is everywhere and affects everyone. In the centre of the diorama are huts, which I attached picture of families standing in front of their home. These families are affected by poverty.
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